How to Apply the Right Sheet Metal Bend Gains to Your Design (Updated for 2024)


Let us calculate bend gains for you!

Last updated on March 4th, 2024 at 11:52 am

The one thing all sheet metal parts have in common is that they start out flat. Before a prototype becomes the complex structure an engineer designed it to be, it needs to be formed via bending, cutting, punching, and welding. These processes deform and stretch the metal, altering the material length and/or thickness.

If you’re a design engineer, you know that one of the most important DFM considerations for sheet metal fabrication is sheet metal bend gains. You’ve probably adjusted your CAD models for bend gains thousands of times before.

Quick Recap: What’s a Sheet Metal Bend Gain?

When a sheet of metal is bent into an angle, the outer part of the material gets stretched into a curve, while the inner part gets crushed into a V or U shape. The small amount of material that this stretching adds to a part is known as a sheet metal bend gain. Although a bend gain may be tiny, failing to consider bend allowances in the initial design can throw a prototype way out of proportion.

So what’s the best way to calculate an accurate bend allowance or deduction? Leaving this calculation to the design engineer may seem like the ideal solution, but there’s actually a better alternative.

ASM Gets Real About the Journey of Your CAD Model

I’ll be completely honest with you: metal fabrication shops rarely use a design engineer’s sheet metal bend gain calculations. Why? Design engineers don’t always know the exact tool die a manufacturer is going to use for their part. Even a robust program like SOLIDWORKS doesn’t always calculate the right measurements.

Let Us Calculate Your Bend Allowances (or Deductions) for You!

At Approved Sheet Metal, we aim to make your life (and ours!) easier. We created our own custom sheet metal bend gains chart so engineers and metal fabricators can always be on the same page. This information is our secret sauce, but we’re happy to share it with you.

Sheet Metal Bend Gains Chart


Don’t settle for K factor .5, use these specific bend gains so your manufacturer can use your native CAD model without them wasting time by having to recreate a flat pattern of your sheet metal fabricated parts.

Get it now

We’ll always check your CAD models to make sure we meet your end goal dimensions. But the closer your model is to manufacturing reality, the faster and easier it is for us to make your part. You’ll also save yourself the headache of having to rework those CADs. Everyone wins!

If you have any additional questions about sheet metal bend gains, don’t hesitate to give us a call!

Sheet Metal Bend Gains FAQ

What is a sheet metal bend gain, and why is it important in sheet metal fabrication?

A sheet metal bend gain is the small amount of material that gets added to a part when it is bent into an angle. It’s important in sheet metal fabrication because failing to consider bend gains in the initial design can lead to inaccurate prototypes and dimensions.

Why should design engineers be concerned about sheet metal bend gains?

Design engineers should be concerned about sheet metal bend gains because they can affect the accuracy and dimensions of the final sheet metal part. Ignoring bend allowances in the initial design can lead to problems during fabrication.

Do design engineers need to calculate sheet metal bend gains themselves?

While design engineers can calculate sheet metal bend gains, it’s not always the ideal solution because they may not have information about the specific tool die a manufacturer will use. There’s a better alternative available to ensure accuracy.

How can I accurately calculate sheet metal bend allowances or deductions?

Approved Sheet Metal offers a custom sheet metal bend gains chart that simplifies the process of calculating bend allowances or deductions. This chart helps engineers and fabricators ensure they are on the same page, leading to more accurate results.

Why should I consider using Approved Sheet Metal’s bend gains chart for my sheet metal fabrication projects?

Using Approved Sheet Metal’s bend gains chart can streamline your sheet metal fabrication process. It ensures that your CAD models align with manufacturing reality, making it faster and easier to produce your parts with accurate dimensions. This reduces the need for CAD rework and benefits everyone involved in the project.

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